The State of Fixed-Mobile Convergence

A Heavy Reading white paper produced for Intel.




Service providers (SPs) have been interested in delivering services in a holistic services environment for some time. However, accomplishing this has traditionally been difficult, given the architectural differences between mobile, fixed, and cable networks. This is changing today due to the availability and maturation of cloud-native software-based solutions. In the cloud-native world, software can be deployed in any network on shared platforms, which means that achieving the tangible benefits of fixed-mobile convergence (FMC) services is now within reach.

Consequently, progressive SPs of all types are implementing strategies to commercialize FMC to achieve service differentiation, optimize network performance, and remain relevant in an evolving cloud-centric competitive landscape. To successfully complete this FMC journey, SPs need to devise effective and pragmatic strategies, address challenges related to common stack service delivery, and rationalize platform requirements and critical standards and specifications.

To understand these network requirements, as well as document the initial FMC use cases that will drive FMC monetization, Heavy Reading partnered with Intel to create a comprehensive survey designed to deliver granular insights in these areas. This white paper presents and analyzes the results of this survey.