
Contains fields that control clock enables for clocks derived from the Peripheral PLL 1: The clock is enabled. 0: The clock is disabled. Fields are only reset by a cold reset.
Module Instance Base Address Register Address
clkmgr 0xFFD04000 0xFFD040A0

Offset: 0xA0

Access: RW

Important: To prevent indeterminate system behavior, reserved areas of memory must not be accessed by software or hardware. Any area of the memory map that is not explicitly defined as a register space or accessible memory is considered reserved.
Bit Fields
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



RW 0x1


RW 0x1


RW 0x1


RW 0x1


RW 0x1


RW 0x1


RW 0x1


RW 0x1


RW 0x1


RW 0x1


RW 0x1


RW 0x1

en Fields

Bit Name Description Access Reset
11 qspiclk

Enables clock qspi_clk output

RW 0x1
10 nandclk

Enables clock nand_clk output nand_clk Enable should always be de-asserted before the nand_x_clk Enable, and the nand_x_clk Enable should always be asserted before the nand_clk Enable is asserted. A brief delay is also required between switching the enables (8 * nand_clk period).

RW 0x1
9 nandxclk

Enables clock nand_x_clk output nand_clk Enable should always be de-asserted before the nand_x_clk Enable, and the nand_x_clk Enable should always be asserted before the nand_clk Enable is asserted. A brief delay is also required between switching the enables (8 * nand_clk period).

RW 0x1
8 sdmmcclk

Enables clock sdmmc_clk output

RW 0x1
7 s2fuser1clk

Enables clock s2f_user1_clk output. and user documentation refer to s2f_user1_clk as h2f_user1_clk.

RW 0x1
6 gpioclk

Enables clock gpio_clk output

RW 0x1
5 can1clk

Enables clock can1_clk output

RW 0x1
4 can0clk

Enables clock can0_clk output

RW 0x1
3 spimclk

Enables clock spi_m_clk output

RW 0x1
2 usbclk

Enables clock usb_mp_clk output

RW 0x1
1 emac1clk

Enables clock emac1_clk output

RW 0x1
0 emac0clk

Enables clock emac0_clk output

RW 0x1